Sitemap About us Economic development Individual development Mental wellbeing Our next strategy Physical wellbeing Social and community development Uniting the Movement Accessible versions How we got here How we'll know if we're successful How we'll work Implementation plan: Year 1 (2021-22) Accessible versions Plan: implementing our strategy Respond: an agile and robust response to Covid-19 Transform: revolutionising how we work Transition: managing through change Implementation plan: Years 2-4 (2022-25) How we'll know if we're successful Our ambitions for 2025 Our investment approach What we'll do: Being the change What we'll do: Building the movement What we'll do: Meeting people where they're at Movement Hub Movement Hub content feedback Movement Hub content feedback - user research Our mission Our vision Strategy implementation plan 2025-28 project data privacy notice Support for Uniting the Movement What we'll do Catalysts for change The five big issues - active environments The five big issues - connecting communities The five big issues - connecting with health and wellbeing The five big issues - positive experiences for children and young people The five big issues - recover and reinvent Why moving matters Careers We're searching for a new chief executive Commitment to playing field protection continues Contact us Cookies Corporate information Accessibility Accessibility statement Annual report Board and executive team Disproportionate burden statement Equality and diversity Freedom of information Policy and integrity stakeholder database privacy notice Publication scheme Salary and spending transparency Social media community guidelines System partners Teams channel privacy notice System partners database privacy notice Event series Funding and campaigns A Code for Sports Governance Active Employee Toolkit Active Partnerships Be Inspired Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Commonwealth Games equipment giveaway Commonwealth Games equipment giveaway FAQs Case studies Active Campus: Loughborough University’s new student village Active Parks Birmingham: let’s take this outside Alconbury Weald: delivering active design in new communities Blackbridge Athletics Track Bloxwich Active Living Centre Campus pool skate park East Manchester Leisure Centre Ellesmere Port Sports Village England Netball Essex Design Guide: Building activity into new development Flitwick Leisure Centre Forest Hills Pools Forestry England Fulwood Lawn Tennis Club Jennifer Thomas: England Netball Local authority leisure providers Love to Move helps people with dementia Manvers waterfront boat club Mount Kelly 50m Olympic Legacy Pool North Yorkshire Selby Leisure Centre Nottingham City Gymnastics Club Oak Park Active Living Centre Orford Jubilee Park Our Parks: bringing activity to the community Perdiswell Leisure Centre Phoenix Sport and Learning Centre Planning for growth: Central Bedfordshire and the Facilities Planning Model Portway Lifestyle Centre Queen’s Park Sports Centre Rugby Borough Council - parks Sport helping people with psychosis Stimulating sporting memories The Billy Project The Football Association The National Forest: connectivity through walking and cycling Tunji Akintokun: England Athletics University of Birmingham Sport and Fitness Club Waterfront sports and education academy Westway development trust Workington Leisure Centre York Sports Village Children and young people Physical literacy audio clips Clubs Disability Toyota Parasport fund Equality and diversity Families Fund Get Moving Hygiene for sport and physical activity Long-term partnerships Mental health Case study: Blokes United Case study: NHS talking therapies for anxiety and depression Case study: Sport in Mind Movement Fund Partners Moving Healthcare Professionals Education, training and learning resources National Centres Our funding Apply for funding Apply to the Movement Fund Getting a crowdfunding pledge Getting a grant How have you involved your community? How will you increase physical activity If your application is unsuccessful Start your application Which activities can be funded? Which costs can be funded? Who can apply? Who's your project for? Writing your application Our priorities Suitability checker Claim and reconciliation forms Community Leisure Recovery Fund Funding FAQs Historic funds Active Together Community Emergency Fund Places and Spaces Small Grants Programme Together Fund Volunteering funds Movement Fund Charter Other ways to generate funding Our impact Place-based work Universal Offer engagement form - Privacy Statement Richmond Group of Charities Tackling Inactivity in Colleges Tackling inactivity investment guide Talent This Girl Can Use our school We Are Undefeatable Workforce Guidance and support Evaluation and learning Coronavirus Funding, innovation and flexibility Government Sport Survival Package Innovation open call Return to play Autumn and winter activity toolkit Frequently asked questions on the return of sport and activity Inclusion and accessibility guidance Cost of living Digital Marketing Hub Evaluation and learning Facilities and planning Active Environments Framework Community Assets and Rights Contact the team Design and cost guidance Accessible and inclusive sports facilities appendices Accessible and inclusive sports facilities Active Design Artificial lighting Clubhouses Combined leisure provision Community Leisure Hub Facility cost guidance Leisure Local Outdoor surfaces Sport-specific guidance Sports halls Swimming Pools Future of public leisure National leisure recovery fund Planning for sport Active Places Power Artificial grass pitches acoustics planning implications Community Infrastructure Levy and Planning Obligations Advice Note Community use agreements Facilities Planning Model Playing Pitch Calculator Position statement on 3G pitches Significant areas for sport Sports Club Planning Application Guide Sports Facility Calculator Saving energy Strategic outcomes planning and leisure services delivery Sustainable facilities and planning Swimming Pool Support Fund Image library Image library terms of use Log in Innovation and digital support Leading the Movement Measuring impact National governing bodies Safeguarding Advice for parents and carers Reporting or responding to a concern Safeguarding advice for sign-posters Safeguarding for companies and non-traditional sports Safeguarding for organisations, associations and bodies Safeguarding for schools and leisure providers Safeguarding in martial arts Support services Whyte Review Secondary Teacher Training Programme Supporting clubs Reducing energy costs Sustainability Environmental sustainability case studies Volunteering Q&A Dealing with issues Diversity Planning and organising Safeguarding & health and safety Support Volunteering Q&A - Getting started Volunteering Q&A: Volunteering and the law Home page Independent review into allegations of mistreatment within gymnastics Joining instructions for Sport England offices Let's Get Out There webinar - data privacy notice New support for flood-damaged facilities News and blogs News and inspiration 'Ask for Angela' trialled in gyms and leisure centres 'Child-first' coaching campaign launched Almost three-quarters of women change behaviour getting active outdoors in winter Aquatics centre opens to public following Commonwealth Games Boardman calls for 'mindset shift' on climate change Boardman to lead Pedal for Paris Boardman up for green sports award Boardman: sport must lead the way on climate change British Ju Jitsu Association facing derecognition as national governing body for the sport in the UK Buddle launch offers major boost to grassroots sport and activity Capital phase of Swimming Pool Support Fund opens for applications Chair welcomes government plans for new Water Bill Chief executive responds to Government Bill Chief executive to stand down this summer Chief executive welcomes Commonwealth Games host announcement Chief executive welcomes Government funding for sports facilities Children's activity levels hold firm but significant challenges remain Children’s activity levels remain stable but significant and sustained action required Combined action needed to end racism in our sector Environmental sustainability consultation launched Evidence review ongoing for British Ju Jitsu Association Executive Leadership Team complete with Chief Financial Officer appointment First 53 Place Expansion Partnerships announced First phase sport and physical activity funding announced Four years of Uniting the Movement Funding available for facilities damaged by extreme weather Funding available for flood-damaged facilities Further investment to build on Commonwealth Games impact Further long-term partnerships confirmed Go! London holds competition for young entrepreneurs Guidance to help make leisure facilities safer for women and girls How rising cost of living is impacting sport and physical activity Joing statement on British Gymnastic's progress report Latest findings on sector's digital maturity revealed Major new investment to help sports battle climate change More people in England using leisure facilities More than 1,000 playing fields protected More than £4m invested in ideas to tackle inequalities Multimillion fund to increase number of cricket pitches National network of Sport Welfare Officers announced New Active Design guidance published New Movement Fund set to revolutionise funding applications New Performance Archery Centre opens in Lilleshall New agreement reached in Greater Manchester New board member appointed New campaign aims to get more women active outdoors New figures highlight impact of investing in physical activity New findings show impact of exercise on children's mental health New guidance for accessible and inclusive sports facilities launched New place-based podcasts series and resources launched New report into diversity in leadership roles published New video showcases best of Pedal for Paris ride Online workouts for pregnant women and new mums Our funding ensures Women’s Euros leave lasting legacy Over 140 organisations pledge to 'Go for Green' Pedal for Paris inspires climate action Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England published Place Partnerships expanded to help those in greatest need Report highlights Commonwealth Games' positive legacy Response to Government announcement on Sport England's statutory consultee role Sport and physical activity generates over £100 billion in social value Statement on ECB response to ICEC report Statement on Government’s School Sport and Activity Action Plan Statement on Heart of Aquatics report Statement on Indepedent Commission for Equity in Cricket report Statement on Pickleball England Statement on government's plans for legacy of recent England successes Statement on new £35m government cricket fund Statement on the British Ju Jitsu Association Statement on the ECB's new strategy Statement on the government’s new sport strategy Studio You launches partnership with Bodyform Support announced to unite sector in place-based work Support available for flood-damaged facilities Swimming Pool Support Fund helps facilities prepare for future Swimming Pool Support Fund open for applications Talent funding announced to help develop inclusive talent pathways This Girl Can celebrates 10th birthday This Girl Can launches winter safety campaign This Girl Can partners with Tesco on activewear range This Girl Can research highlights barriers facing women on lower incomes Three more long-term partnerships announced Three years of Uniting the Movement Tips and advice to reach underserved audiences Two million more adults getting active since 2015/16 despite impact of Covid-19 and cost of living Two-year update on race in sport review Warning that climate change poses ‘serious threat’ to sport and physical activity in England We Are Undefeatable partners with Bill Bailey to launch Freedom To Move What's the social value of sport in your area? News Adults’ activity levels in England bounce back to pre-pandemic levels Four new members appointed to our Board Impact report on Uniting the Movement current implementation plan published Latest update on progress following race in sport review Live Studio You event helps tackle PE enjoyment gap New concussion guidelines for grassroots sport New consultation to help Active Lives data work best for users New fund to help change young people's lives through sport and phyical activity New funding to help keep leisure centres with pools afloat New member of Executive Leadership Team appointed Report published into handling of complaints at Swim England Report supports physical activity to supplement talking therapies Swimming Pool Support Fund keeps leisure centres afloat This Girl Can With You launches Two-year extensions to School Games Organiser and PE and Sport Premium funding Press pack Logo and brand toolkit Our spokespeople Press releases Sign up Research and data Data Active Lives Active Lives data tables Active Lives Survey 2023-2024 Year 7 – technical note Active Lives Survey 2023-24 Year 7 – full technical report Official statistics release schedule Activity Check-in Geographic Information System Mapping Moving Communities Research Active travel Alternative and parallel sport organisations and structures Children and young people Coronavirus Disabled people Ethnicity Events Faith groups Gender Health conditions Inactive people LGBTQ+ Review into transgender inclusion in domestic sport in the UK Lower socio-economic groups Older Adults Outdoors Popular activities Swimming Social value of sport and physical activity Workforce Tools Local Area Insights Area reports Custom area reporter Data explorer Map explorer Small Area Estimates Sitemap Sport England and UK Sport publish Whyte Review Statement on the government's new disability plan Strengthening safeguarding and welfare across sport Terms of use This Girl Can 2025 and beyond webinar data privacy notice This Girl Can reception - photography permissions Two years of Uniting the Movement