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Let's Get Out There webinar - data privacy notice

Let's Get Out There webinar - data privacy notice

18 July 2024

Introduction and purpose

The English Sports Council (Sport England) is a non-departmental public body tasked by law with increasing participation in sport and physical activity (SPA) in England.

As part of its 2021 Uniting the Movement strategy, it has been reaching out and working with different stakeholders to remove SPA barriers. One target group is women and girls, which it has been working with since the 2015 launch of the This Girl Can Campaign (TGC).

On 25 July 2024 we will be hosting the first TGC - Let’s Get Out There webinar to promote the launch of a TGC workforce toolkit made up of case studies and other TGC information stakeholders can use or access to support their contribution.

It will be hosted by us on Microsoft Teams and will be recorded and published on our TGC website so that other stakeholders may view the content and we can continue promoting the launch.

Because we are recording and publishing the event, we must tell you how your personal data will be processed.

About processing

Sport England will be the data controller for your personal data. To find out more about how we process personal data, please see our general privacy statement.

You will be the data subject. As a data subject you have several rights that you can enforce against us; again please see our general privacy statement for more details.

We use the Microsoft Teams application by Microsoft to record the webinar and you can find more detail on how Microsoft Teams processes personal data.

The personal data that will be processed will be your first and last name, email address and organisation name so you can be invited to and participate in the webinar on the day.

Other personal data may include your voice if you speak, or any personal data that you will share if you speak or make non-anonymised comments in the chat section.

Our lawful basis for processing your personal data is our public task.

If you are a speaker, your voice and image, which will include your race, ethnicity, sex (known as special category data), will also be recorded. Our lawful basis for processing your special category data will be your explicit consent, which you will be asked to give in a separate document.

The recording will only be published on the TGC website for a month but will be retained as working material by Sport England for duration of business need, then deleted. However, regarding online publication, material published may still be available even after our removal.

We will also retain your registration form information so that we may contact you in relation to this or future sessions or to manage any request you may have.

Contact details

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact our data protection officer: