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Which costs can be funded?

The main things to know are:

  • costs must be directly related to delivering the physical activity
  • we can't pay for costs that you've already committed to (for example, existing contracts)
  • we can't pay for core costs or running costs.

We need a proper budget breakdown when you apply, to help us understand:

  • how you've calculated the costs
  • which of your costs we can fund.

You should put all your project costs in your budget, even if you know we can't fund them. This will help us make our decision.

Coaches and sessional workers

We can fund coaches and people who deliver the activity sessions if you pay them by the hour.

The fees must be a new cost to your organisation. 

For example, if you already pay a coach for five hours a week, we won't fund any part of the existing five hours. 

But if you needed to pay them for an extra two hours to deliver your project (making seven hours in total), we could fund those extra two hours.

We can’t pay any part of an existing salary for a coach or sessional worker.

Facility hire

We'll pay for you to hire a place for your activity (such as a court) if it's a new cost to your project. 

For example, if you're already hiring a court for five hours a week, we won't fund any of those hours. 

But, if you hired the court for an extra two hours to deliver your project (making seven hours in total), we could fund those extra two hours.

We won't fund facility hire if you:

  • already have a lease in place
  • own the facility.


We fund any kind of equipment directly needed for your activity.

There's no restriction on the cost of an individual item and you can use it as part payment for something which costs more.

You need to get three quotes for any item costing more than £5,000.

We don't fund personal items. For example, we could fund a whole pool of equipment for a team but not just for one player.

Facility upgrades

We fund small-scale improvements to existing facilities.

Any kind of upgrade is eligible if you explain how it's necessary to deliver your activity.

We fund things like refurbishing changing rooms, putting in new kitchens or resurfacing a court – as long as they're connected to your activity.

If you're not the owner of the facility, then you may need permission for the building work from the owner.

You can use the funding as part payment for a larger cost. 

You need to get three quotes for any item costing more than £5,000.

Training costs

We fund training and qualifications for:

  • coaches
  • sessional workers
  • existing staff
  • volunteers

The key point is the training must result in increased activity – we want to see where it leads.

You can't pay your own organisation as the training provider. 

Emergency relief

We fast track applications for emergency relief. 

You can get help with costs during a crisis, like damage from extreme weather or vandalism, which couldn't have been avoided or insured.    

We also make an exception to the usual 12-month limit on reapplying for funding. This means if you received funding within the last 12 months, you can still apply for emergency relief.

Costs we don't pay

We do not cover core costs for the general running of your organisation.  

That’s because part of our funding comes from the National Lottery and our agreement with them prevents us paying for core costs.

Other things we do not fund are:

  • salaries of existing staff
  • running costs like utility bills
  • management of your organisation
  • existing rental or hire agreements
  • project development
  • evaluating projects
  • retrospective costs – those owed from before the date on the award letter 
  • projects that started before we made our offer to you 
  • unexplained costs
  • distribution of grants on our behalf – you can't use our funds to make grants to other organisations
  • recoverable VAT
  • anything covered by another source of funding – you should declare all sources of funding  for your project in your application
  • cash purchases
  • school activities which are only for pupils
  • school activities which school is already funded to deliver
  • purchases for personal or private gain.

Need some assistance?

If you've any questions about funding or your application, you can contact our funding helpline.

We can support you with information about eligibility, the types of support we provide, who we support, other options available to you and any additional needs you might have.

By phone 

For funding enquiries, call 0345 8508 508, Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. 

By email

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