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Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme evaluation

These are the different tools used during the programme and the key outcomes on the different stakeholders, including the work of healthcare professionals with their patients, and on the wider health system.

The assessment of the Phase Two of the Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme (MHPP) was carried out by the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, a research hub at Sheffield Hallam University and, global leader in market research, Ipsos.

The evaluation left us with a series of findings, which were split into two areas – education, training and learning resources and creating system change – on how the promotion of physical activity influenced the workforce and the overall system and stakeholders.

The below gives a brief explanation of these two areas and the key findings for each one, with the next two tabs going into further detail on each.

  • Education, training and resources

    The first series of conclusions refer to engagement by the healthcare professionals (HCPs) that were part of the programme and how this has influenced their promotion of physical activity among their patients.


    Below is a list of the key findings from this part of the programme. 

    • The programme increased the HCPs awareness and knowledge of the importance of the promotion of physical activity to patients.
    • Approximately 157,400 professionals have been trained or have accessed a training tool by the MHPP.
    • Overall, the programme's workstreams have succeeded at helping to increase the capability and motivation of HCPs to promote physical activity among their patients.
    • Many HCPs reported improvements in their knowledge, skills and confidence to promote physical activity following their participation in the training provided by the MHPP, which has also led to a greater capability and motivation to start conversations with patients. ​
    • Qualitative evidence shows that some HCPs engaged by the programme are discussing physical activity more often with patients, and those conversations are felt to be of higher quality and more effective. ​
    • HCPs from across the workstream evaluations were able to provide anecdotal evidence of patients becoming more physically active following these conversations.
    • HCPs provided examples of patients reporting better aerobic fitness, reduced pain, improved mental health/mood, better management of fatigue, and greater enjoyment of physical activity.
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  • Creating system change

    Another series of findings are related to how the promotion of physical activity has influenced the wider health system and its different partners.


    Below is a list of the key findings from this part of the programme. 

    • There’s evidence from qualitative interviews with stakeholders that the programme has contributed positively to a whole-system change.
    • Stakeholders have seen a greater recognition and value associated with physical activity across the system.
    • Greater traction has been seen by stakeholders in the conversations and connections to support a whole-systems approach to physical activity.
    • Stakeholders felt that the system has changed and that, in places, it’s more ready to embed physical activity ('the tide is turning').
    • Some stakeholders reported observing that the work of the programme has successfully placed physical activity higher up the agenda of other organisations that we sought to influence e.g. Primary Care Networks, Integrated Care Systems and Hospital trusts. They also observed a broadening of organisations involved in the discussions around the importance of physical activity. 
    • The programme signalled and facilitated an increased collaboration between the health and physical activity sectors.
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