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Health conditions | Lower socio-economic groups | Older people | Tackling inactivity
by Bev Blackburn, Head of behavioural insights, Sport England
3-minute read
Local authorities | Tackling inactivity | Uniting the Movement | Volunteering
by Andy Maddox, Strategic Lead, Get Doncaster Moving and Doncaster Council
4-minute read
Active Nation | Children and young people | Funding | Uniting the Movement
by Myles Hesson, Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games 3x3 gold medallist
4-minute read
Children and young people | Gender | Tackling inactivity | Uniting the Movement
by Sahara Mohammed, Operations manager, Impact Fitness Academy
6-minute read
Disability | Tackling inactivity | Uniting the Movement
by Daniel West, Delhi 2010 shot put (F32/34/52) silver medalist
7-minute read
Facilities | Funding | Local authorities | National governing bodies | Tackling inactivity | Uniting the Movement
by Adam Rigarlsford, Lead for Birmingham 2022, Sport England
8-minute read

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