As a recipient of funding from the Movement Fund, you're required to report on the progress of your project.
We'll email you a reporting form to complete at the end of your project.
Below is some further guidance on what data you'll need to collect and what the final report will include.
Collecting and sharing information relating to your project and the people who engage in your project is valuable, both to us as a funder, but also to your own organisation.
It helps us all to review progress, track successes and understand the difference your project's made. It also helps us to learn from your experiences and identify areas for improvement to your project and the overall Movement Fund.
We can use what we learn to help more people enjoy the benefits of being active.
We'll email you a reporting form at the end of your project. This is calculated from the project end date, which is confirmed for you on your Award Acceptance Form.
It's important that if this date needs to be altered (i.e. delays in your project starting) that you contact us as soon as possible.