Data considerations
It's important to note that data sources differ in nature and this will affect how we best utilise them to identify places of greatest need.
Each source of data has been judged and selected based on the following criteria:
- Relevance - the data sources selected are, based on current understanding, the most relevant measures to understand sport and physical activity need and social need.
- Data quality/coverage - we will use high quality data that has representative England-wide coverage.
- Direct estimates, modelled/inferred estimates and proxy measures - we'll identify places of greatest need based on direct estimates, supplemented with high-quality, modelled data where it can provide a useful, more detailed picture. Proxy measures will be used to provide context and more detailed description.
- Geographic detail - most of the data we'll use is available at local authority level. This aligns well with the ecosystem for delivering sport and physical activity in a place. However, in some instances, we've access to data at a more local level (MSOA, LSOA, OA). This can be used to identify specific ‘pockets’ (neighbourhoods) of need, within wider local authority areas, that might otherwise get overlooked.
- Timeliness - in most instances we have used the most recent available data. However, datasets are published and updated at different times and intervals. We'll review and update the data as outlined within the ‘Maintenance of the Place Need Classification’ section.
- Indices - indices are data sources that themselves draw on a range of data and have made judgements about what to include/exclude, how to rank that data, and how to weight each source of data to provide the basis for an overall assessment. These indices generally reflect a large amount of effort by leading experts and agencies in the relevant field of public policy (e.g. Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Office for National Statistics). As such, it's considered reasonable to accept the domains and measures, formulae and weighting they've selected.
Maintenance of the Place Need Classification
The current classification reflects our assessment of the best available data upon which to identify places of greatest need and how it's most appropriately applied.
Our understanding will be dynamic, developing and improving over time. The classification will be updated as quickly as is practically possible when new data becomes available. This will be reviewed at regular intervals and may include:
- when new 24-month Active Lives datasets become available
- updates to other datasets used in the classification
- as other datasets are updated or become available (e.g. Census outputs, new measures/indices of sport and physical activity or social need).
As the data is updated this may result in new places appearing within the classification, or places that previously appeared no longer doing so.
In these circumstances we're clear that any work or investment that may have commenced in those places, that no longer appear, will continue to be supported in a proportionate manner by Sport England.